
Healing Bouquet


Today is day 2 of the Fresh-Squeezed Scents Collection for Power Poppy.

Today we share another amazing spray of fruit and flowers... called "Healing Bouquet".

I chose to make a fun slimline card featuring two sprays put together.

I coloured everything in Copic Markers and then used my Polychromos Pencils to add depth and shading.  I loved colouring up this image!!

--> you are here!

Barbara C 


Sathya Kala  

Thanks for stopping by to check out all the digital fun! Hope you take the time and check out all the amazing talent above.

Happy creating!

~ Ally ~


Stacy Morgan said...

THUD!!! Holy cow! Ally... oh I am swooning over here... outstanding from your coloring (ACK!!!!) to the long and tall to how you added the digi together. Totally blow away by this card. Love love love!!! And send me the way you did this digi together. ;-) Girlie this amazing.

Marcella Hawley said...

ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL, ALLY!! I am speechless. You are always doing that to me! ~m

Barbara said...

I just love this idea of the two sprays together ob a slimline card. What size is your slimline card?

Leslie Miller said...

I echo Ally's "thud". Wow!

Sathya said...

Uber Gorgeous! Great idea of using it as 2 sprays on slime line card!! Absolutely love your card and color choices Allison!!

CherylQuilts said...

WOW! Ditto on the "thud," Ally! You are truly amazing, and I also love your color combinations. I struggled with that one and tried to make them realistic, but these are far more beautiful! Your coloring is so fabulous, and I adore the slimline with the two images -- and the "hello." WOW again! Hugs and love! xoxo

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