
Sweet November Stamps ~ Cozy Fall Birdies

Happy Saturday!  Today over at Sweet November Stamps we have a brand new set of sweet little digis being released today!

I began by pulling the "Chadwick Chickadee", "Bird House and Worm" plus an additional tree image, "Tree Friend Sycamore" and created a simple tree and sky scene.

I printed a second copy paper copy of the scene, fussy cut everything out and placed it over the image as a mask.  Then I used my Copic Air Brush system and added in a wispy blue Autumn sky.

I removed the mask and continued on by coloring in the rest of the scene with my Copic Markers.

There are 4 new digital images in the Cozy Fall Birds mini collection being released today along with the two images I have used today.  They include "Chadwick Chickadee", "Franny Finch", "Silas Sparrow" and the "Bird House and Worm" images.

I hope you check them all out!  Have a great weekend!

~ Ally ~

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