How would you like to be a guest designer for the So Sketchy blog?
Here's how YOU can be our FIRST guest designer:

1. Complete a page using the sketch provided above. (It can be a 12x12 or a 8.5x11 version.)
2. Take a photo or scan and send your work to:
*File must be smaller than 300kB.
*Please name your file with the title of your page and your full name (ie: allisoncope_titlehere.jpg).
*Please put "
Guest Designer Sketch" in your subject line of your email.
*Please provide your full name, email address, location (city, state/province), page title and supplies made to create your page.
DUE: Nov. 1, 2008 at 11:59pm PST. Late entries will not be accepted.
4. Do NOT post your finished page on your blog or in any gallery until after Nov. 1, 2008.
NOTE: If you do not follow the above rules, your entry will be voided from the contest. Please read the rules carefully.
The winner of the contest will be decided by the current design team members. The winner will be announced as soon as all the votes are cast and winner has been decided.
Good luck!!!