
Got Sketch?

It's Monday and I had the honour of using Valerie Salmon's newest sketch to create one of my latest pages.

Here's the sketch HERE. Sketch #55.

Here's a large version of my page... "13 Years Later"

PP, Letters: Basic Grey
Stamps: Technique Tuesday, Paper Trunk
Buttons: Autumn Leaves
Bookplate, Brads: Doodlebug
Ink: Staz-On


Purple Polka Dots!

I made these two cards for challenges for Caardvarks' Micro challenge "Purple Snurple" and for Allison's "Dotty" Challenge on her blog. "Stampin' When I Can".

CS: Bazzill, The Paper Company
Stamps: Hero Arts (owl, heart), Papertrey Inks (branch/flowers, moon, dots & sentiment)
Ink: Stampede, Ranger, Staz-On
Charm: Crafts
Ribbon: Offray

CS: Bazzill, The Paper Company
Stamps: Hero Arts (sentiment), Paper Salon (dotted oval), Papertrey Inks (dots), Tech Tues (swirls)
Ink: Stampede, Ranger
Brads: Making Memories
Flowers: Prima

Glitter: Ranger
Ribbon: Misc.


Sweet Pea Scraps ~ April Reveal

The Sweet Pea Scraps April kit was all about vintag this month! Some of the patterned papers this month included the new Graphic 45 line, some Jenni Bowlin and Dream Street.

Look at all the cool papers and embellishments...

Here are almost all of my creations using the April kit...

"Lucky Family History"

"With Sympathy Card"

"Birthday Wishes Card"

"Appreciate What Is Card"

"The Future Card"

"Family Tree"


"A Different Era"

I have one more page but you'll have to wait for it's reveal on the Sweet Pea Vine on Tuesday...

Thanks for looking!


A Little LADY Love!

I made this card for Allison's "Gettin' Buggy With It" Card challenge at Stampin' When I Can.

PP: Basic Grey
CS: Bazzill
Ink: Staz-On, Ranger
Stamps: Technique Tuesday, Paper Salon, Provo Craft
Pen: Creative Memories
Tools: Scalloped Scissors
Misc: Ribbon, pencil crayons


A Little Blog Candy.... for a great cause!

Check out the blog goodies on Tami's blog for a great cause!!!

Teresa's Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk
The Breast Cancer 3 Day is a 60-mile walk over the course of three days. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and National Philanthropic Trust, funding important breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.

Baskets for the Cure
Please consider bidding on five retired Longaberger baskets from Ethel's personal collection. Ethel was an Independent Consultant/MBA between 1997 and 2002 and was very fortunate to have acquired these baskets. All of these baskets have been kept in a sealed Rubbermaid container, in a smoke-free home, and are in excellent to mint condition.


Just a Reminder.... Crop This Weekend!

Come and join us all weekend at The Scrapping Bug....


I've been TAGGED!!!

I’ve been tagged!

Jess tagged me and I now have to think of 7 random facts about myself..

Here how it works:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours. Jess tagged me!

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Share 7 Random facts about yourself on your blog.

4. Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog.

Ok, well here are 7 completely useless facts about me:

1. I walk with my big toes pointing upwards all the time! I believe it's an inherited trait since my Dad does the same thing!

2. I hate heights and when I first started dating my now husband, I let him take me snowboarding (ski lift - yikes!) and I still don't like it to this day!

3. I scrap almost every day! Cards and layouts mostly but I typically create one something a day! It's my stress relief!

4. I wish I had a job outside the house... something to curb my scrap product addiction!

5. I am a very organized person but you won't know it by looking at my scrap desk!

6. I went to Guelph University for one year to study Hotel and Food Administration but HATED it! I took off 6 months to work and went to college for 2 straight years immediately after and got my schooling to become a chef!

7. I am a scrap blog addict! I have a list of bookmarked blogs a mile long on my computer that I love to look though that provide me with inspiration.

So, these are the people I have tagged....

Jayme, Susie, Kristin, Laura, Amy, Lisa, Colleen.


I'm Miserable!

My parents have my little boy and my hubby is far away on a job site and has been since Friday morning and I miss them terribly.

I just wish at least my husband would come home. He missed the whole entire Easter weekend. He missed our son's first official Easter egg hunt. I literally haven't seen him for about 2.5 weeks! I miss having him at home and knowing that's he safe. We have attempted to use our Skype and MSN Messenger but the connection has been really crappy so all I get is a few words and then static and then a dropped call. Messenger isn't any better! I'm miserable!

I miss the noise! I miss tripping over toys! I miss the dirty faces! I miss the good night kisses! I wish my boys were home!

I'm just plain miserable! I'm off to bed to read. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.

Scrappin' Time Again!!!

Yup..... come to The Scrapping Bug this weekend for a fabulous weekend of scrappy fun!

It's are first official on-line crop so we're going to have a BLAST!!!

Hope to see you there!

~ Ally ~

Blog Candy Winner!!!!

Congrats goes to...
SOPHIA! She was blog candy person number 6 on the list! Congrats Sophia!

~ Ally ~

Random Chaos & Chance at a RAK

Random Chaos' newest challenge was up as of Monday.

This week's challenge [7] was to use the colour scheme red, blue and black. I would to see you come and participate with us!

I will send anyone who participates in challenge [7] a red, blue and black RAK. To be valid, you must post your link here in THIS blog entry and in the Random Chaos [7] post as well. You have until Monday March 31 to post your link! Any sized layout will do! Only newly created layouts for this challenge please!

Here's my version of this week's challenge.... "Fuzzy Red Jacket"

Thanks Heidi for the super cute jacket! Sp loves it!

Blog Candy!

I'm going to draw a name for my blog candy on Thursday. If you haven't seen the original post, check it out HERE!

Tagged! A...B... C....

I've been tagged by Colleen. :)

A- Attached or single: happily married!
B- Best Friend: Dianne
C- Cake or Pie: cake - anything chocolate will do!
D- Day of Choice: Saturday because my hubby is generally home!
E- Essential Item(s): wallet, keys, diapers and wipes
F-Favorite type of music: pop, 80s & 90s - I love Madonna!
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: bears
H- Hometown: Princeton, Ontario
I- Indulgence(s): Reese peanut butter cups
J- January or July: July!!
K- Kids: just one, Spencer!
L - Last movie: Can't even remember....
M- Marriage Date: August 18th
N- Number of Siblings: 1 younger sister
O- Oranges or Apples: apples
P- Phobias or Fears: heights!
Q- Quote(s): Perfect parents are only in old TV reruns! ~ Dee Ann Stewart
R- Reason To Smile: my family for sure!
S- Season: fall
T- Tag: Laura, Lisa and Jen!
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I walk with my big toes up in the air.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: An animal eater!
W- Worst Habit: Sitting at the computer for hours!
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: ultrasounds
Y- Your Favorite Food: pasta!
Z- Zodiac: Gemini


A Few New Creations....

A card for a ill friend....

A Thank You card for my stash....

A page about the cool shark exhibit on our honeymoon...

A page about my sleepy boy after a few days of being sick...

A page about my little guy just being himself....

A page about looking in my rear view mirror...

Thanks for looking!

Scrappin' Again!

Just a simple page about my kitty cat.... one of her many nicknames... "Mouse".

I made this page for the current challenge for Noel Mignon's blog "".

Have a great weekend everyone!

~ Ally ~

I've been Nominated.... and a Kitty creation!

My lovely scrappy buddy Salvitri has nominated me for the "You Made My Day" award! Such a sweetheart she is! Come and check her amazing blog, "Scrapin and Stampin with Savitri".

So I now have to nominate 5 people of my own....

1. Jana.... Jana is one of my fellow Sweet Pea Girls and her creations are incredible. She also has something wonderful posted on her blog, "From My Feathered Nest".

2. Jenn.... Jenn also is another fellow Sweet Pea Girl and I love her fresh approach to all her pages and creations! Check her out at her blog, "In a nutshell..".

3. Heidi.... Heidi is one of the most amazing photographers I know! Check her photo blog, "Heidi Brand Photography".

4. Staci.... Staci is one of my all time favourite scrap artists! Her work is just so simple and so from the heart! Check out her blog, "Stop! It's Scrappin' time!!".

5. Lisa.... Lisa is one of my fellow "Bugs" over at the Scrapping Bug. I love her beautiful creations! She inspires me everyday! Check out her blog, "Imagination, Create Inspire".

And here's a little "kitty" creation for Allison's blog, "Stampin' When I Can!".


Making Memories Turns THREE & Your Memories gets 5000 hits!!!

This week Making Memories is celebrating their THIRD birthday! Go and check out the festivities on their blog here. They're having all kinds of fun this week!

Make sure you sign up for their newsletter while you there. Use "Allison Cope" as the person who referred you!

And YES..... the blog has finally reached 5000 hits! Time for some BLOG CANDY!!!!

To enter in your name for the blog candy draw, please leave a comment below indicating your first name, last initial and your email address (example: myemailAThotmailDOTcom) and tell me what you like most about visiting my blog!

I will draw a name for a envelope full of scrappy goodies from my stash on Friday March 14.

Good luck all!

One Tough Week!

Most of you don't know but I had minor day surgery on Monday so my DS went to my sister-in-law Heidi's house for about 4 days so I could recover. She has some sweet photos of the adventurous 4 days on her blog!

Monday started off by dropping off DS and then going to the hospital for day surgery. Surgery went well except for a minor glitch coming out of the sedative. I was in extreme pain the whole night. Thank goodness for good drugs!

Tuesday was a sleepy day. The pain pills they gave me didn't act on the pain at all but made me at least drowsy and tired enough to sleep on and off. My neighbour made me a chicken soup lunch.

Wednesday was more of the same... rest, watch tv and sleep on and off. I got up and created one page that I had to get done for a crop example. We'd had a snow storm over night so I attempted to get the tractor started and clear the driveway... no such luck! Should never have attempted it! SO sore later than night! BIG MISTAKE!!

Thursday... was feeling a little better. Did some minor chores around the house and prepared for DS to come home with DH. Still sore.... slept on the couch so I was at least comfortable for the third night in a row!

Friday.... DS was finally home. He played while I took it easy all day. My pain was still present! Got a call from my parents from Spain! Was good to hear their voices! They will be back in a week!

Saturday.... DH went to work knowing that we were going to get hit with a HUGE snow storm... he went any way. He ended up coming home early with all the equipment in his car that he was working on. He took 1.25 hours to drive home.... usually takes him 35 mins. DS woke up with a ROARING fever.... yikes! Sick little boy indeed! He curled up on the couch and snoozed while I did some computer and layout work. The owner of the carwash next door came at midnight and plowed our driveway! Thank goodness! The most snow I've seen here since I moved here in 2005.

Today.... still feeling not quite right today. I think it's a bladder infection not cleared up before surgery. DS was feeling a little better and more like him self today. He played around the house while DH worked on his panel for work and I took it easy. Did some crop stalking over at iScrap!

Here's a picture of DH out clearing the driveway this morning.... BRRRR!!!!

Hope your week was better than mine!

~ Ally ~

March Madness and weScrap weekend Crop!!

It's time for some March Madness over at Scrapperie! We have lots of crazy fun in store for you; we are going to play games, have fun challenges, giveaways, and we are also having a referral contest with a rockin cool prize! You don't want to miss it!

Our Tres Chic Girls have something exciting planned for you...

All you have to do to is make a minimum posts of 10 per day starting on March 1 and ending on March 31. You will then be entered into a drawing for a fabulous RAK! We will be giving away 2 RAKS per week, on pre-determined days, but we aren't going to tell you which days we are giving them away because we want it to be a surprise! So get those posts in, because you never know which will be your lucky day!!

We are also going to have a little fun and play some Layout Tag. What is layout tag you ask? Well, it's like the Telephone Game (the game where you whisper a phrase to the person next to you and keep going until you get to the last person and then see how much the phrase has changed) except we will be doing it with a layout.

Sign ups and details for our Layout Tag game are posted here.

For the referral contest, all you have to do is refer someone, and you along with your referral will be entered into a drawing. The prize will be announced soon, but I promise, y'all are going to LOVE it!

We hope you'll come and play!!


Over at the International Scrapbooking Association (previously iScrap... now "weScrap") this weekend we will be having an on-line crop starting Friday March 7 at 6pm EST.

Come out and play.... we will have loads of challenges, games and make-n-take projects for everyone to do! There will be prizes too!

Come and check us out!!!!

The Rest of my Weekend Creations...

Here they are....

This challenge was a recipe type challenge. I had to use ribbon, rub-ons, make my own patterned paper, ink and layer my papers. **Photos by Heidi Brand**

"Puddle Princess"

For this challenge we had to use at least 3 photos of ourselves.

"Simply Me"

For this challenge we had to use bling!!!! **Photos by Heidi Brand**

"With this Ring"

I had a fabulous weekend at Crop Addict! I know I'll be back again soon!

~ Ally ~

Croppin' Away

I told my DH yesterday that this was my croppin' weekend since he will be working the remainder of the March weekends, so I strolled on over to Crop Addict to crop with these lovely ladies all weekend.

So far I completed all the challenges except the last two....

9-11am challenge - Use one of the 3 ad's posted as your inspiration....

"You and Me"

11am - 1pm challenge - Use one of the Design Team's layouts as inspiration to make a card....

"Thanks so much card"

1pm - 3pm challenge - use as many different kinds of embellishments as possible on your page. I ended up with 25 on mine!!!

"I am"

3pm - 5pm challenge - use any form of ephemera on your page. I used a set of boarding passes from our plane ride on our honeymoon!

"Leaving on a Jet Plane"

Come join us for all the fun games and challenges today!! Hope to see you there!

~ Ally ~
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