
I've been TAGGED!!!

I’ve been tagged!

Jess tagged me and I now have to think of 7 random facts about myself..

Here how it works:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours. Jess tagged me!

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Share 7 Random facts about yourself on your blog.

4. Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog.

Ok, well here are 7 completely useless facts about me:

1. I walk with my big toes pointing upwards all the time! I believe it's an inherited trait since my Dad does the same thing!

2. I hate heights and when I first started dating my now husband, I let him take me snowboarding (ski lift - yikes!) and I still don't like it to this day!

3. I scrap almost every day! Cards and layouts mostly but I typically create one something a day! It's my stress relief!

4. I wish I had a job outside the house... something to curb my scrap product addiction!

5. I am a very organized person but you won't know it by looking at my scrap desk!

6. I went to Guelph University for one year to study Hotel and Food Administration but HATED it! I took off 6 months to work and went to college for 2 straight years immediately after and got my schooling to become a chef!

7. I am a scrap blog addict! I have a list of bookmarked blogs a mile long on my computer that I love to look though that provide me with inspiration.

So, these are the people I have tagged....

Jayme, Susie, Kristin, Laura, Amy, Lisa, Colleen.


redmom said...

Ack!! You tagged me again and I haven't gotten to the first one! LOL

SusieScrapper said...

Thanks for the Tag Ally!! lol

Jenn aka boysmama said... the heck do your toes do that?? I am a geek...I admit..I tried it and it's very difficult. :) Too funny!

Jayme Downs said...

okie dokie, I completed the tag... ;) :) ;)

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