Craft Roulette ~ Little Tree of Thankful Monkeys

Happy Saturday!  Yesterday we played Craft Roulette with the fabulous Laura Bassen otherwise known as Laura Fadora!

What is Craft Roulette you ask... it's a weekly live show featuring improvised crafting, special guests, community contributions, tons of prizes and much, much more!  It's live every Friday over on YouTube.  You can check out this week's episode here.

So the four parameters that the wheel spit out this week were:

So for this week's contribution, I began with designing my digital scene featuring the Sweet November Stamps "Tree Friend: Linden" which contains that fun tree and sweet monkey.

So I put on the Thank You (Project parameter) message using the exclamation mark for my punctuation parameter. 

The elements that rhyme with "BEE" include the tree, three and monkey.

I colored everything up using Copic Markers.

Make sure to join us on every Friday night.  Click HERE to get a notification for next week's episode.

Have a great weekend!

~ Ally ~

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