For the November challenge, you had to use 2 snowflakes, 2 buttons and 2 pieces of ribbon.
Here are my cards...
Blue & Green Snowflakes

Snowy Owl - Let It Snow

Thanks for stopping by!
Card making, sketches, tutorials and more!
I was tagged by the lovely and extremely talented Julie!! Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog:
Share SEVEN facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird...just 7 facts. :) Tag 7 people at the end of your post and make sure to let them know they've been tagged!
Hmmm... I wonder if I can even come up with seven things?
1. I grew SPACE tomatoes from NASA when I was in grade 8. I was one of a few Canadian students picked to grew tomato seeds and collect data on my plants and send it off to NASA.
2. I was science project geek for all of my elementary school career. I won 4 medals in 5 years of science fairs.
3. I won a scrapbooking contest last year and won $700 to spend strictly on scrappy stuff!! It was like being in heaven!!!
4. I don't like to wear make up. Yup... a girl that doesn't like to wear makeup! It makes me break out.
5. When I worked as a kitchen apprentice before going to chef's school, I made breakfast for Christopher Plummer (the father in Sound of Music).
6. I hate shopping for clothes and shoes!!! Yup... I think the last thing I bought for myself to wear was a T-shirt for Canada Day this past summer. And before that... I can't even remember!!
7. I shave my toes every few days... and my chin for that matter everyday. I have a disease called Hirsutism which causes excessive hair growth in women. I dread going to the pool just cause it takes forever to get ready to go!!!
So now you know all my secrets.... I bet these 7 ladies will share theirs with you! I tag...
Scrapbook & Cards Today is pleased to announce its “Spring Has Sprung” call. Scrapbook & Cards Today is a beautiful, seasonally-inspired free publication that can be found in both Canadian and US independent scrapbook stores. It can also be downloaded internationally, in its entirety and for free, by clicking here.
Scrapbook & Cards Today would love to see your artwork—including layouts, cards, and altered projects with the following themes:
Scrapbook & Cards Today is also looking for:
We are always looking for innovative designs, ideas and techniques to share with our readers. Be a part of the fastest growing scrapbook publication! Submissions can be made here or by emailing us.
Please include your name, address, phone number, email address and supply list. This call ends December 15th, 2008. We look forward to seeing your work!