
Tooting AGAIN!!!

Yes.. I know.... brutal isn't it? TWO in one day...

I was excepted as one of the newest Design Team members at The Scrapping Bug, a scrapbook store and site based out of Kitchener, Ontario. It'll be so nice to work for a Canadian site again!!!

The girls on the site are all too sweet and so friendly! I actually had an opportunity to meet a number of them in person last weekend at 2 classes I took there! We had so much fun and they all made me feel immediately like "one of the girls"! I look forward to visiting often as it is close to my parent's home and extremely easy to get to.

Here's the official blog blast.... here!

Congrats to my fellow new design team members; Melanie Faber, Tara Thynne, Lisa Tottle and Sylvie Dupuis! I look forward to working with you and the rest of the team!!!

~ Ally ~

Tooting for Myself!

I am one of the 4 newest members of the International Scrapbooking Association (iScrap) design team! I was named one of the 3 new VIP members of the design teams.

I, along with two of my close scrappy pals, Tara Thynne and Jen Walker, and new comer Jill Paulson have all been added to the 3 design teams at iScrap.

You can check out the formal announcement here!

Congrats ladies! I can wait to work with you and all the iScrap designers!

~ Ally ~

Sweet Pea Scraps ~ February Reveal

This is by far my FAVOURITE kit of all from Sweet Pea Scraps! It contains some AMAZING products this month.

Here's a picture of that wonderful February kit....

Here are all my creations for this month's kit....

A 2 page Layout: "Under Lock and Key"

"Icy Lake Side":


2 Cards: Valentine's Day card & a Thank You card

4 Cards: All Valentine's Day Cards

"Pure Joy":

To take a look at all the other wonderful designers' creations, check out the Sweet Pea Scraps February 2008 Gallery.

Order your kit now... they are going fast!!!!

Also... don't forget the Sweet Pea Vine (the blog).... we have a challenge posted every Monday for everyone to participate in and you could WIN a prize just for participating! Remember... you do not have to be a kit purchaser, kit subscriber... just a creative person! Enjoy!!!!

~ Ally ~

Tooty Toot Toot!

I received an email today to join Janelle Richmond's new blog "Random Chaos" as one of her design team members!!!

If you want to check out this new challenge site... check it out here! The first challenge will be posted on Monday!!!! Stay tuned.....

I can't wait to get started!!

Here's are all the lovely ladies I get to create with.....


Cropping Fun!

I have been spending my weekend over at iScrap and they're having a wonderfully fun crop this weekend!

One of the challenges is a blog challenge where we have answer the questions below... here goes!

The Power of 5

1. Five things I can’t scrapbook without: cardstock, patterned papers, my paper trimmer, my Scotch ATG adhesive gun and my ruler!
2. Five places I have traveled to most recently: post office, grocery store, local scrap store, dollar store, Canadian Tire
3. Five things I watch on TV: Friends, Holmes on Homes, CSI, Everyone Loves Raymond, Sex in the City
4. Five foods I can’t stand: brussel sprouts, blue cheese, turnip, diet colas,chili from a can
5. Five reasons to visit iScrap!: fun games, great gallery for inspiration, fun group of creative people, there's a crop there this weekend & just to have FUN!

365 Days of Photographs!

Yup... on CCAS, Jen has challenged us to take one picture each day. So I'm going to use my blog to keep track of all my photos. Maybe these will give you a little more insite into my everyday life too! Enjoy!

January 1st
This my DH and I goofin' around on New Year's. I was trying to get a good picture of just the 2 of us and he had other ideas! He was licking my nose, rolling his eyes and just generally goofin' off! This was the best I could get!

January 2nd

I was scheduled to go to a crop in London but the weather had other ideas! Needless to say I never made it and after packing all my scrap supplies in my travel case, I spent the next morning unpacking them all again!

January 3rd

We moved all the living room furniture into the new living room space where we finally have some windows. I caught DS today enjoying the warmth of the sunlight coming into the window!

January 4th

This morning as I woke up and looked out the front door, I saw the most beautifulpink sunrise and couldn't help but grab the camera and my winter jacket and slip outside! What a glorious place we live in!

January 5th

DS and I were playing around in the large space left in the old living room area and I captured some cute pictures of him in one of his new Christmas outfits! What a sweet face... too bad he wears his devil horns more often!

January 6th

After a 3 day weekend of scrapping, this was the picture of my scrap area. What a mess! It hasn't been this messy for a long time! But I had fun and got lots of pages done... I guess that's what really counts!



I have been tagged by Kristin!!! Thanks Kristin!!!

So here are 7 random facts about me...some you may know, but maybe not. I'll then TRY to tag 7 other people...and you do the same! (I don't know if I know 7 people with blogs who haven't already been tagged on this tag!) Read to the end to see if you've been TAGGED! I'll post a comment on your blog as well.

Have fun!

Here I go:

1. I wanted to be an OBGYN for many years! Yes... kinda bazarre for a kid but I loved the whole process of being pregnant and birth so that's what I wanted to be! I never had the studying skills or the drive to go for my goal though!

2. I want to own a bed and breakfast one day. I am trained as a chef and would like to put those skills to work one day.

3. I currently live in a house that used to be a garage, general store, gas station and few other things!

4. I love travelling by train and have taken the VIA train from Toronto to Vancouver and back again! What an awesome experience! I hopefully will do it again someday with my son.

5. I do not like talking on the phone. I always let the answering machine pick up my calls and if I feel like talking, I will pick up the phone.

6. I always thought I would have a house full of kids but my son is exhausting and my DH is getting older so we decided to only have one child.

7. I am SO addicted to scrapping I dream about it most nights! I know... SAD!!!

There you have it...7 random facts about me!

Here is my list of TAGGED pals! (you can just click on their names and it will take you right to their BLOG)


Sweet Pea Scraps Reveal

This month's kit was chalk full of fun colours and neat products... including Prima's IOD Tape. Check out my projects....
Check out the contents of the January Sweet Pea Scraps kit here. The DT and guest DT member Jill Deiling, have designed some beautiful creations. Check out all the team's creations in the DT gallery.
Don't forget to check out the Sweet Pea Vine blog to get a load of all the new challenges!
Happy Scrapping everyone!
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