Well the week is coming to a close.... it's not over but close!
Monday was a holiday so we had the company of DH at home and we made good use of our family time and went to visit my parents for a visit. Spencer had a great time in the pool!
Tuesday was "getting back on our regular weekday schedule" day. These are always tough... even for me!
Scrapped quite a bit this week... made some unique pages using the two kits I ordered from Scrapperie! The American Crafts and Treehouse Memories papers are just too yummy to resist!
Got an email to state that
one of my layouts, "Fall Frolic" will be the featured layout on the cover of the ScrapStreet.com's on-line magazine! So excited!

Finally, I got news yesterday that my "second Mom" was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had a complete hysterectomy just before Todd and I got married and was unable to attend our wedding. The pathogy came back this past week and the diagnosis was made. She will be undergoing treatments soon. Her and her family have already gone thorough SO much. (She lost her husband suddenly due to a heart attack at a young age - 51. He was like my second Dad.) T... you're in my prayers!!! (((hugs)))
On a lighter note, Todd came home early last night and we picked up dinner and ate down at the Lake. Then we all went swimming. Spencer waded out up to his neck all by himself just to follow Daddy.... he's so brave!
I hope you all have a great rest of the week!
So sorry to hear about your 2nd mom. I'll say a prayer for her.
Your night last night sounded fantastic!
Sorry to hear about the diagnosis for your "second mom".... *hugs*
Beautiful layouts ~ you do amazing work :)
Have a great weekend.
Loving the new pages, but you already know that.
Spencer is so brave. E gave up on her floatie yesterday and now swims without anything. Man this kid is growing up too fast. Keep him little as long as you can.
I just discovered your blog! Love your style
Mimosa from france
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