
We're Having a Party!

Yup!! Scrapperie is having a month long party and YOU are invited!

Check out the Fantastic February Contest!

The contest will be a points based contest, where you can earn points by posting and chatting in the forums, uploading in the Gallerie and participating in our Saturday Night Fever (SNF) mini crop! Ooooo... a CROP!!!

There will be games all throughout the month to participate in that can earn you points. We'll also have a trivia based question of the day and by answering it correctly, you'll earn points! There will also be mini challenges posted all throughout the month. You can earn points by playing Bingo every Wednesday night at LeClub!

So, how can you earn points?? Here's the breakdown here.

What can you win, you ask?? How about your choice of The Essentials Boutique kits? Or maybe you'd rather have The Extras and/or The Trimmings? No problem! You could also win a Scrapperie gift certificate or coupon that you can use any way you'd like in The Boutique!

There will be multiple winners
and someone just might win a Pièce de Résistance kit!

How cool is that!!!!!

Come on over and have some scrappy fun!!!! Can't wait for you to join us!!!

~ Ally ~


Colleen said...

So much fun!!!

Anonymous said...

so glad you stopped by my blog! looks like you have a streak of wins lately. Congrats to you on all counts!

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