
I have been tagged by Kristin!!! Thanks Kristin!!!

So here are 7 random facts about me...some you may know, but maybe not. I'll then TRY to tag 7 other people...and you do the same! (I don't know if I know 7 people with blogs who haven't already been tagged on this tag!) Read to the end to see if you've been TAGGED! I'll post a comment on your blog as well.

Have fun!

Here I go:

1. I wanted to be an OBGYN for many years! Yes... kinda bazarre for a kid but I loved the whole process of being pregnant and birth so that's what I wanted to be! I never had the studying skills or the drive to go for my goal though!

2. I want to own a bed and breakfast one day. I am trained as a chef and would like to put those skills to work one day.

3. I currently live in a house that used to be a garage, general store, gas station and few other things!

4. I love travelling by train and have taken the VIA train from Toronto to Vancouver and back again! What an awesome experience! I hopefully will do it again someday with my son.

5. I do not like talking on the phone. I always let the answering machine pick up my calls and if I feel like talking, I will pick up the phone.

6. I always thought I would have a house full of kids but my son is exhausting and my DH is getting older so we decided to only have one child.

7. I am SO addicted to scrapping I dream about it most nights! I know... SAD!!!

There you have it...7 random facts about me!

Here is my list of TAGGED pals! (you can just click on their names and it will take you right to their BLOG)


1 comment:

Andrea Wiebe said...

I'll have to think of 7 facts!!! and I so want to see pics of your house, sounds so cool :D

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