
Sweet Pea Scraps... Here I Come!

Well it's officially December and I can now share with you all the lovely projects that I created with the Sweet Pea Scraps AMAZING December kit!

In the kit we got these great chipboard tags from GinX! I made this super easy tag book all about some of my favourite winter memories. I used the Creative Imaginations paper to compliment the photos!

I loved all the gorgeous Basic Grey papers in this months kit! I had these amazing photos of my sister and just had to showcase them using these yummy papers!

Last fall we cut down this enormous maple tree in our back yard. I have had these memorable photos in my digital folders and knew once I saw the tree theme papers that these photos would suit the theme for this 2 page layout!

My darling husband and I just got back from our honeymoon as many of you know and we had an opportunity to feed, pet and swim with the sharks in the Domincan while we were there. This is one of the many honeymoon themed layouts to come!

This is my favourite layout by far using this month's kit! I loved this cute picture of my son taken last summer. I just love the expression on his face! I knew he was "My Little Star" right off the bat!

I hope you continue to come back and visit me. Don't forget to check out Sweet Pea Scraps to get your kit (...would make a great Christmas gift.... *cough* *giggle*) and also to check out all the COOL creations my fellow Design Team have created using this AMAZING kit in the DT gallery!

Happy Scrapping everyone!!!!


Christmas Craft Show

The next four days are going to be CRAZY! I am displaying my work at the London (Ontario) Christmas Craft Festival. I went and set up tonight and I'm excited to see how my first craft show experience will be.

If you are near by and would like to attend, go to the craft site and print off a $1.00 off coupon for you and your buddies! Parking is FREE!!!

Wish me luck!!!! I would really like to sell SOMETHING!!! Or at least sell so gift certificates for some albums or other items! I'd like to sell some cards too!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

A Few Honeymoon Photos

This the reason why we picked Caberete, Dominican Republic.... the kiting!!

One of our honeymoon highlights was visiting Ocean World. We were able to participate in feeding, petting and swimming with some of their animals. This photo is of Todd and I with a Nerf Shark named Flipper.

This is the two of us feeding the sting-rays.

This is Todd and I on our last day in the Dominican. Notice Todd's shiner??? Nope... I didn't give it to him..... hahaha... he got tossed around in the surf boogie boarding and someone's knee hit him in the eye! Nice eh?

We had a great time!!! Sometime we hope to return... hopefully to more wind!!!!

I'm HOME!!!

Yes.... we made it home... safe and sound! Our honeymoon was certainly eventful to say the least!!

Day two saw a fractured bone in my left hand and 3 dislocated fingers.... OUCH! All caused by the rolling surf!!

Day four I fell on a slippery wet floor and bruised my butt!!! Another ouch.... and all the time doing this with my left hand in a splint!!!

Day 12... Todd was out boggie boarding and got a shiner due to someone's knee hitting him in the eye socket... wowsers!

Just call us the Accident Prone Honeymooners!!

I will aim to get some photos and more details up in the next few days! It's good to be home!!!!

And I'm Off.....

Off on my honeymoon!!! Just DH and I....

Have a great two weeks everyone! I know I will!!

My Wittle Wion!

So we had a great night trick-or-treating! Here are some pictures...

Grandpa helping him put on his costume....

Here's a close up his costume....

Little lion and his grandma....

Playing in the leaves with Auntie Christie...

And last of all... me and my witty wion....

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