
Win! Win! Win!

WIN this beautiful NEW book, "Simply Cards Today" AND a $10 gift certificate (from me) just by participating in the Creative Crafts and Stickers contest to celebrate "World Card Making Day" on October 6.

PLUS.... You will also be eligible for the CCAS prize!!! For each card you make and post to the gallery, your name will be entered into a draw for a prize from Jen, the ower of CCAS!

Check out the site on October 6 as the Creative Team will be posting challenges and sketches throughout the day for you to use too!

All you have to do is register on the CCAS site and also in their gallery.
To check out the contest details, see this thread.

In order to be eligible to win the book and gift certificate, you must post a minimum of 2 cards AND you also must post back here in this post;
- your name (first name and last initial is fine)
- email address (example: yourname AT and
- your CCAS username
If you do not post these items, you win NOT be entered regardless of if I know who you are or not!

DEADLINE to post & link here.....

October 6, 2007..... 11:59 midnight EST.

Your prize will not be shipped until the book is released (in early October).


Card Contest!!!

In celebration of World Card Making Day on October 6 this year, Creative Crafts and Stickers is having a card making contest.

Come on over and check out this EASY and FUN contest and all it's details.

Why not get your Thanksgiving, Hallowe'en or even your Christmas cards done and have a chance to win some fabulous prizes!

Hope to see you there!!!

Lovin' Sketches!

Lately I have been creating a lot of layouts for Valerie Salmon's blog "Got Sketch?".

My last layout was all about having family photographs taken. (Photos taken by Heidi Brand)

Here's the layout I created using her sketch #28:

If you are ever stuck for inspiration, check out her sketches... I know they always bring me inspiration!!!

Happy Anniversary Lindsay's Candles!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Lindsay's Candles!

I had the honour of Lindsay making part of my wedding favours for Todd and I when we got married last month. She made me these beautiful cinnamon scented wax melt candles, individually wrapped them and even monogramed the tags on each one to say "Todd & Allison Israels, August 18, 2007"! My guests LOVED them!

Lindsay's having a SALE to celebrate her anniversary.... you can save 33% on EVERYTHING in her store by using the voucher code 3years .

You MUST try her handmade soaps.. they are DIVINE and they smell so wonderful in a nice warm shower... they smell almost elible! I recommend the oatmeal. milk and honey soap myself!

Happy Anniversary Lindsay!!!!


I am pleased to announce that I won a spot on the Addicted Scrappers site for their guest Addicted Counselor for the month of October!!

Have a sneak peak at their kit I get to work with.....

Doesn't that rock!!!!! It's in one of my most favourite colour schemes too!!! I can't wait to get started with it when it arrives hopefully late next week.

I have also been scrappign away like a mad woman this past week. Here are some of the pages I have done for the week long cyber crop over at Scrapperie:

*** last layout = photos by Heidi Brand ***


Blogs I Visit..

I tend to visit a lot of blogs that have to do with the scrapping industry.....

manufacturer sites

sketch sites and many galleries and on-line stores.

It's been a LONG week!

Well the week is coming to a close.... it's not over but close!

Monday was a holiday so we had the company of DH at home and we made good use of our family time and went to visit my parents for a visit. Spencer had a great time in the pool!

Tuesday was "getting back on our regular weekday schedule" day. These are always tough... even for me!

Scrapped quite a bit this week... made some unique pages using the two kits I ordered from Scrapperie! The American Crafts and Treehouse Memories papers are just too yummy to resist!
Got an email to state that one of my layouts, "Fall Frolic" will be the featured layout on the cover of the's on-line magazine! So excited!
Finally, I got news yesterday that my "second Mom" was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had a complete hysterectomy just before Todd and I got married and was unable to attend our wedding. The pathogy came back this past week and the diagnosis was made. She will be undergoing treatments soon. Her and her family have already gone thorough SO much. (She lost her husband suddenly due to a heart attack at a young age - 51. He was like my second Dad.) T... you're in my prayers!!! (((hugs)))
On a lighter note, Todd came home early last night and we picked up dinner and ate down at the Lake. Then we all went swimming. Spencer waded out up to his neck all by himself just to follow Daddy.... he's so brave!
I hope you all have a great rest of the week!

School Memories

I do remember a lot of my childhood memories but I don't have any specfic memories of the first day of school.

I do remember riding the school every morning and all the way home at night. My sister and I always stood waiting for the bus with our neighbours, Steve and Jen. Typically Steve would be climbing the trees and goofing around while us girls stood and chatted.
The picture below was taken when I was entering grade 4, my sister and Jen were entering grade 2 and Stephen was entering Kindergarten! (Photo: left to right: Jen, my sister Christie, me and Steve)

Jen and Steve are both like family to me. Steve is married to an awesome girl, Kelly (in dark purple) and Jen (in red) is now my son's Godmommy. They both attended my wedding a few weeks ago. I'm very lucky to have this special people in my life!

So many memories of the 4 of us. Too bad my sister's missing from the photo!


A Little Scrappy Treat Today....

I was scouting out some of my popular blogs this morning and I came across this one.....

Check out the latest post.....

Cool eh?

Daily Routines

Daily routine is something we kind of have in this household but they certainly aren't set in stone!

Typically Spencer gets me up by banging on his door. I get him changed and a bottle and typically get breakfast for the two of us. We spend the morning together and I catch up on my emails and message boards. I will also tidy up the house, pull out stuff for dinner to be thawed and put laundry on to start.

Lunchtime comes and typically we find some quick and easy to munch on.

When Spencer goes down for his nap. I tend to scrap if I have time.

After his nap, we drive into town and get the mail for the day! Between our tenant and I, we get almost a full box everyday.

Once Todd gets home from work, we collectively make dinner, typically something is barbequed by Todd. We tend to eat late and then Spencer goes for his bath and then a book or two. Off to bed for Spencer and then Todd and I catch up for the day. Sometimes I scrap and sometimes I surf the net and sometimes we just sit and watch a movie together!

A long day deserves a nice long sleep... ahhh!!!

Why Do I Blog?

You know... that's a good question!

I guess I blog because it's almost like a diary of sorts about my family and my creative endevours!

I like sharing the fun and creative parts of my life!

I blog for my family, my friends and especially for all my scrappy pals!

Just quick picture of my son in my parent's pool yesterday....


Long Weekends

Yup... the long weekend is finally here!

Here in this household, weekends are all about family time! I don't tend to make firm plans on weekends. We tend to fly by the seat of our pants and go where ever the day's mood takes us.

We do tend to spend a lot of time at our local park though.... so I would suspect that's where we will be one of this days this weekend.

We went out for panzerotti's last night and enjoyed the beach down at Erieau. Spencer found himself in the waves and loved every minute of it!

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