Feelin' Under the Weather!
I have been under the weather for a few days. Celebrating Christmas well trying to make a happy holiday is much harder than expected. I didn't really get to enjoy any of the holiday goodies or my Mom's great cooking either. Oh well!!!
Hope everyone had a great holiday! Stay tuned to the blog as the Sweet Pea Scraps reveal is just around the corner! You'll love all the bright colours of the new kit!!!
Happy Holidays all!
Cool New Ezine for Card Makers!
It's a Ezine that talks all about creating cards using very limited materials!! What a fabulous idea to share with other crafters!
They are trying to promote their blog and Ezine and are offering a whole load of fun stamps as a RAK! Check out their blog for details as to how you can get entries into their contest!
Good luck Sheet Load of Cards... I love your concept!
Here's a link to their December download..... Check it out HERE!
Tooty Toot Toot!

Feels good to be Scrappin'!
Here's a page I just finished the other day. Can I say that I am LOVIN' the Basic Grey Figgy Pudding line. I think it's may very favourite BG paper ever!!!!

I also have a few sneak peeks of the FUN and FLIRTY Sweet Pea Scraps January kit for you too...
Here's the January kit......

And here's a few sneak peeks...

Happy Scrappin' Everyone!
I was discussing the cast with my Mom and I think I'll be adding a few holiday touches to my cast soon! Stay tuned!
Sweet Pea Scraps... Here I Come!
In the kit we got these great chipboard tags from GinX! I made this super easy tag book all about some of my favourite winter memories. I used the Creative Imaginations paper to compliment the photos!

I loved all the gorgeous Basic Grey papers in this months kit! I had these amazing photos of my sister and just had to showcase them using these yummy papers!
Last fall we cut down this enormous maple tree in our back yard. I have had these memorable photos in my digital folders and knew once I saw the tree theme papers that these photos would suit the theme for this 2 page layout!
My darling husband and I just got back from our honeymoon as many of you know and we had an opportunity to feed, pet and swim with the sharks in the Domincan while we were there. This is one of the many honeymoon themed layouts to come!
This is my favourite layout by far using this month's kit! I loved this cute picture of my son taken last summer. I just love the expression on his face! I knew he was "My Little Star" right off the bat!
I hope you continue to come back and visit me. Don't forget to check out Sweet Pea Scraps to get your kit (...would make a great Christmas gift.... *cough* *giggle*) and also to check out all the COOL creations my fellow Design Team have created using this AMAZING kit in the DT gallery!
Happy Scrapping everyone!!!!
Christmas Craft Show
If you are near by and would like to attend, go to the craft site and print off a $1.00 off coupon for you and your buddies! Parking is FREE!!!
Wish me luck!!!! I would really like to sell SOMETHING!!! Or at least sell so gift certificates for some albums or other items! I'd like to sell some cards too!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
A Few Honeymoon Photos
This the reason why we picked Caberete, Dominican Republic.... the kiting!!
One of our honeymoon highlights was visiting Ocean World. We were able to participate in feeding, petting and swimming with some of their animals. This photo is of Todd and I with a Nerf Shark named Flipper.
We had a great time!!! Sometime we hope to return... hopefully to more wind!!!!
I'm HOME!!!
Day two saw a fractured bone in my left hand and 3 dislocated fingers.... OUCH! All caused by the rolling surf!!
Day four I fell on a slippery wet floor and bruised my butt!!! Another ouch.... and all the time doing this with my left hand in a splint!!!
Day 12... Todd was out boggie boarding and got a shiner due to someone's knee hitting him in the eye socket... wowsers!
Just call us the Accident Prone Honeymooners!!
I will aim to get some photos and more details up in the next few days! It's good to be home!!!!
My Wittle Wion!
And I Ain't Lion!
This year, DS is going as a little lion. Isn't it the cutest costume ever? I bought it off my SIL last year and hoped it would fit this year and it does! *Thanks Heidi!*

Happy Haunting everyone!
I have known Amanda since I was 5 and I have gone to school with her almost my whole life! She was one of the first of our group to get married and have children. She lives about an hour and a half away from here but we always make time to visit when I'm home to visit my parents. She's the one that always has some home related project on the go!! I admire her vive for life!!!
My very best friend is Dianne. She and I have been best friends since we were 15. I can even picture the very first day that she came to my house for the very first time... it's a very vivid memory for me. She unfortunately lives 3 hours from here but we tend to talk about every 2 weeks or so. She is one of the only people who I talk to on the phone on a regular basis (I'm not a phone person!). She knows me the best!!! I can't image not having her in my life!
I'm very blessed to have these women as part of my life. Sometimes life gets busy and we don't talk for weeks but when we do, we always seem to catch up quickly and seem like we talked yesterday. We always have a great time together! I specifically go home just to see them! I wish we lived closer together some days because it would be nice to get out of the house some days just to chat or have a coffee together.
It's funny... but I don't have a lot of pictures of the 3 of us together... we were supposed to have our pictures taken together at our wedding but I never had them taken. I know they both have pictures of the 3 of us, maybe I'll have to bribe them for copies!!!
Here's a funny picture of Amanda... a picture I stole off her facebook.... LOL!

Here's a picture of Dianne with 2 of her 3 sons.... she has a step-son that lives in New Brunswick.
Life just wouldn't be the same without them both!!!! (((hugs))) girls!!!! I miss you both!!!
My Fantabulous News......
Sweet Peas Scraps!!!!
Check out the offical announcement on the Sweet Pea Vine.
Woooohoooo! I'm SUPER excited!!! I can't wait to get to know all the lovely ladies at Sweet Pea Scraps!!!!
Congrats Jana, Angie and Chantel!!!!!!
I Have Fantabulous News!
Stay tuned!!!
I'm still waiting for the final news to break in another place first... then I can spill my news! Hopefully that will happen this afternoon or at least later this evening! I'm SO excited!!!!
R = Rain.... I am thankful that we live in the part of the country that gets some rain so that farmers can grow the gorgeous fruits and vegetables.

T = Technology...... I'm thankful for the means to be able to use all the cool kinds of technology like the computer, cell phones and the internet.
I = Incredible and creative friends!

U = Understanding family..... I'm so lucky that my husband understands my addiction to scrapping! I love that he supports my creativity! *Photo by Heidi Brand*

I have been Scrappin' like MAD!!
Here are some of the pages and cards I have created with this beautiful kit.....

It's that time again! CROP time!
Please come out and join in our fun at the Creepy Autumn Crop!
There will be lots of challenges, some games, some projects, lots of laughter and some PRIZES!
Hope to see you there!
I'm an Addicted Scrapper and I need Counseling!

World Card Making Day Today!
Over at Creative Crafts and Sticker's we're having a mini celebration! We'll be posting a lot of challenges throughout the day for everyone to take inspiration from to help celebrate the day!
Come on over to CCAS and join in the fun! There are lots of prizes and RAKs being offered up!
Who knows... maybe you'll get that one awesome idea for your Christmas cards this year and get inspired to create your own!
Hope to see you over at CCAS
Have a great day!
Using Scrappy Sketches...
Some of my favourite sketch sites include....
Got Sketch?
Cheri's Sketches
Do you use sketches???
Don't forget about my blog RAK..... check it out here! You could win a copy of the new book, "Simply Cards Today" and a $10.00 gift certificate!!!!
'Tis the Season...
I used to love to decorate for all the seasonal holdays at home. I always put a fall themed wreath on the door for Thanksgiving, lots of cool Hallowe'en decorations up and of course Christmas lights and garland outside.
But for some reason, when I moved here, I stopped. I'm not 100% sure why but it's probably because the house really didn't look like a house and I almost never had (or wanted) guests and I was busy being a new Mom.
Now I don't decorate because my little monster of a son would probably wreck it all within the first few days of it being put up. I think this year, I will do the same.... the decorations will stay in their boxes! Oh well! Maybe next year!!!
I did how ever make some Thanksgiving cards to send out to my immediate family....

Win! Win! Win!

DEADLINE to post & link here.....