Childhood Memories

Have you ever smelled something and all of a sudden a memory from times gone past enters your mind?

The other day I was making hot chocolate to warm myself up and the smell of the chocolately goodness reminded me of my maternal grandparents.

You see as children, we visited my grandparents at least once or twice a year. We would travel by train to Brockville where they would pick us up to drive home to Morrisburg. My grandparents owned a large property of land on the St. Lawrence River and they had built an indoor pool when they built their home there in the early 70's.

On a cold winter's evening, my sister Christie and I would always go for a swim in the pool just before bedtime. Once we dried off and we were in our PJ's we would sit at my grandmother's little round table in the kitchen and we would have warm hot chocolate in her blue pottery mugs and homemade cookies. The smell of hot chocolate always reminds me of that special time at my grandparent's home. It's funny.... I can almost smell it now!

Below is a picture of my grandmother with my son Spencer just before she passed away last fall.


SmileyCarrie said...

Beautiful memory of your Grandparents.. you should scrap that memory!

Alex Warn said...
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