Oh What a Night!!!!
Throughout the day we tried to get Spencer to nap, which was pretty successful and he seemed to get better as the day went on. We slowly introduced watered down juice and a few crackers but at midnight we were at square one.
While we cleaned Spencer and his bed up, Todd began to have an expected side effect of the all the holiday junk food eating... he starting having one of his food reactions. He gets super itchy, breaks out in hives and swells almost everywhere!!!
So I had a sick boy on my lap and another sick "boy" on the end of couch scratching himself everywhere! Boy.... what a site!!! We didn't make back to bed until 2am!
Santa Claus Came Early This Year!
Santa dropped off the cutest little wooden table and chairs set with Thomas the Train on it!
Spencer has spent an inredible amount of time sitting in each chair, climbing on the table, exploring underneath the table and he's even crawled on top of the table and sat inside the netted toy bag that hangs beneath it!
He loves his new table and chairs!
Thank you Santa! He's love it!!!
O' Christmas Tree
Stampin' Good Time!

I've been having a great time creating page using acrylic stamps lately!
My favourite set is the Technique Tuesday "Whirly Gigs". Here's a page Ia created using the TT stamps. I used black ink on grey paper so the flourishes are subtle and subdued. I love the end product!
Aren't my boys cute????
I love you Todd and Spencer!!
Childhood Memories
The other day I was making hot chocolate to warm myself up and the smell of the chocolately goodness reminded me of my maternal grandparents.
You see as children, we visited my grandparents at least once or twice a year. We would travel by train to Brockville where they would pick us up to drive home to Morrisburg. My grandparents owned a large property of land on the St. Lawrence River and they had built an indoor pool when they built their home there in the early 70's.
On a cold winter's evening, my sister Christie and I would always go for a swim in the pool just before bedtime. Once we dried off and we were in our PJ's we would sit at my grandmother's little round table in the kitchen and we would have warm hot chocolate in her blue pottery mugs and homemade cookies. The smell of hot chocolate always reminds me of that special time at my grandparent's home. It's funny.... I can almost smell it now!
Below is a picture of my grandmother with my son Spencer just before she passed away last fall.

Oh... the Weather Outside is Frightful....

It's COLD!!! Brrrrrr! And since I've been sick for the past 6 days, the cold weather outside make me want to stay in my pajama's all day!
With all that chilly weather, at least I've been able to make lots of time to scrap! I have completed 2 layouts today alone! I record for me!
I will post some pictures tomorrow when I can take natural light photos of my pages!
Grab a blankey and curl up on the couch today! Don't forget your hot beverage! Stay warm today!!!
Spencer.... Doin' Laundry!
I took some clean and dry laundry out of the dryer and went about putting a new load of dirty clothes into the washing machine.
I manage get the dry clothes floaded and put away and I turn around and I hear this echoing sound....
I look around.... nothing.... hmmm..... "What's making that sound?" I wondered.
I look down the hallway towards the living room and there he is.....

He's inside the dryer.... just looking around!! Such a stinker!! But SOO cute!!
I'm So Excited!
I have since sent off my page to Texas!
I can hardly wait to see it in e-print!
On-Line NICU Charity Crop ~ Come Join Us!!
It is with great excitement that I announce that from Sept 27th to October 3rd, Creative Crafts and Stickers will be holding our first annual Charity Crop.During this crop, a portion of all sales will be going to the Rich Little Special Care Nursery (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - NICU) at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital (located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada).
As many of you know, in the past two years, my sister has had two premature babies, with the second one born this past May. I am so very impressed with the care and dedication that the Neonatal staff have shown for my sister, brother in law and her premature babies. Children are our future and getting a supportive and loving start is very important.
The intent of this crop is to give back to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and allow them to better support other families who need their services.
This NICU Charity Crop will include challenges, online classes, games, prizes and a raffle of donated products. A portion of all sales will be donated to the NICU area, and all orders will receive a goodie bag filled with items from our sponsors.
We are also asking that all participants create Congratulations cards for the nurses to give to the families with babies in the NICU. More details about the cards will follow.
In order to make this event a huge success and allow us to make the largest donation possible, we have asked for contributions from manufacturers in the scrapbooking and stamping world. The response has been fabulous!
Donations will become prizes, a part of the raffle and/or sponsor donations in the goodie bag.
To date, we have the following sponsors for the NICU Charity Crop:
Adhesive Tech
Ampersand Art Supply
Atomic Cupcake
C-Line Products
DRG Publishing - Annie's Attic
Everlasting Keepsakes
Karen Foster Designs
Keeping Memories Alive
May Arts
Me & My Big Ideas
Memory Makers Magazine
Michael Miller Memories
Natural Designs in Scrapbooking
Ranger Ink
Scrapbook Max
Scrapbook and Cards Today
Sunshine Designs/Nuggitz
Time to Stamp
The Beary Patch
Treehouse Designs
We R Memory Keepers
I have also been asked to write an article for the December issue of Memory Makers to tell the story of my nieces and how it inspired me to hold this crop.I hope you all will join us for the crop and will consider making a donation to this great cause. I am hoping to go to hospital in the fall to present the cards and a cheque to the NICU staff.Together we can make a difference!
Spencer's Little Rock Walk
Spencer and I went for a little walk next door the other day. I couldn't resist taking my camera!! I took 226 pictures just of that 20 minute event!!
Such a cutie he is!!
I Love My Scrap Space!

This is my latest creation!
It's all about my scrapbooking space! Each top part of the photo pulls out to reveal journaling all about my space on the reverse side!
I added some stitching details to emphasize the shape of my title and add a stitched border to my page to highlight the square shape of the page.
I loved organizing and taking pictures of my scrapping supplies! You don't realize how many things you accumulate until you have to display them all for photos!
Thanks for looking!!!
A Great Challenge!

As part of my task of being a Design Team member for Creative Crafts and Stickers, we are to come up with a challenge for the monthly contest for the Guest DT member position.
This month there have been some good ones!! Two of them included not using any photos on a layout and using a calendar or part of a calendar in your craetion.
This is what I came up with....
It's titled "Geocaching".
For those of you who don't know what Geocaching is.... here's a generic definition...
"Geocaching is an outdoor treasure-hunting game in which the participants use a hand held Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers (called "geocaches" or "caches" ~ sounds like "cashes") anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook and "treasure", usually toys or trinkets of little monetary value."
Thanks for looking!
If you're interested in becoming a Guest DT member for Creative Crafts and Stickers.... check out this link: http://http://www.creativecraftsandstickers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2843
Life @ 30!
Help Us Raise Money & Donations... All You Have to do is Scrap!
This is the message our lovely Jen has posted on the site.....
It is with great excitement that I announce that from Sept 27th to October 3rd, Creative Crafts and Stickers will be holding our first annual Charity Crop.
During this crop, a portion of all sales will be going to the Rich Little Special Care Nursery (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - NICU) at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital (located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). As many of you know, in the past two years, my sister has had two premature babies, with the second one born this past May. I am so very impressed with the care and dedication that the Neonatal staff have shown for my sister, brother in law and her premature babies. Children are our future and getting a supportive and loving start is very important.The intent of this crop is to give back to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and allow them to better support other families who need their services.
This NICU Charity Crop will include challenges, online classes, games, prizes and a raffle of donated products. A portion of all sales will be donated to the NICU area, and all orders will receive a goodie bag filled with items from our sponsors. We are also asking that all participants create Congratulations cards for the nurses to give to the families with babies in the NICU. More details about the cards will follow.
In order to make this event a huge success and allow us to make the largest donation possible, we have asked for contributions from manufacturers in the scrapbooking and stamping world. The response has been fabulous!
Donations will become prizes, a part of the raffle and/or sponsor donations in the goodie bag.
To date, we have the following sponsors for the NICU Charity Crop:
Ampersand Art Supply
Atomic Cupcake
Everlasting Keepsakes
May Arts
Memory Makers
Michael Miller Memories
Natural Designs in Scrapbooking
Ranger Ink
Scrapbook Max
Scrapbook and Cards Today
Sunshine Designs/Nuggitz
Time to StampTreehouse Designs
I have also been asked to write an article for the December issue of Memory Makers to tell the story of my nieces and how it inspired me to hold this crop.I hope you all will join us for the crop and will consider making a donation to this great cause. I am hoping to go to hospital in the fall to present the cards and a cheque to the NICU staff.Together we can make a difference!
*** I will update the sponsor list above as I get more confirmations back.
Come check us out at http://creativecraftsandstickers.com . We'd love to hear from you! Come and support our cause!

Happy Saturday All!!
Send me a short message and your mailing address via my email address allisonnicolecope@hotmail.com and I will send you this RAK! Mark the email " I Saw Your Blog!".
The RAK contains a variety of Plum-Lime Fiber Scraps products: Fibre collection, tag collection, alphabet collection and 9 pieces of patterned paper.
My Latest Creation
I'm Having SO Much Fun!!
I am honoured to be a part of a very talented Design Team for at http://creativecraftsandstickers.com . I am having a ball at creating layouts using the generous monthly kits that are sent to us!