
Feelin' Under the Weather!

Howdy all!

I have been under the weather for a few days. Celebrating Christmas well trying to make a happy holiday is much harder than expected. I didn't really get to enjoy any of the holiday goodies or my Mom's great cooking either. Oh well!!!

Hope everyone had a great holiday! Stay tuned to the blog as the Sweet Pea Scraps reveal is just around the corner! You'll love all the bright colours of the new kit!!!

Happy Holidays all!

Cool New Ezine for Card Makers!

I found the neatest site today..... Sheet Loads of Cards.

It's a Ezine that talks all about creating cards using very limited materials!! What a fabulous idea to share with other crafters!

They are trying to promote their blog and Ezine and are offering a whole load of fun stamps as a RAK! Check out their blog for details as to how you can get entries into their contest!

Good luck Sheet Load of Cards... I love your concept!

Here's a link to their December download..... Check it out HERE!

Tooty Toot Toot!

No... this is not the train station!!! LOL!

I receieved a call this evening from Sandi and Kim owners of Scrapperie, asking me if I wanted to be a Tres Chic Girl for the next 4 months!

Ahh..... YEAH!!!!!!

Sandi and Kim also welcomed 4 more new designers to the team. Congrats to my fellow design team members Shannon, Michele, Marie and Megan.

I'm SOOOOO stoked!!! The kits at Scrapperie are AMAZING! Make sure you check them out here! I believe everything but the December - "Glad Tidings" kits are 20% off until the end of the month! Have a ball!

Yeah... more scrapping for the New Year for me!!!!! Wooohoooo!!!!


Feels good to be Scrappin'!

It feels so good to be scrappin' again!! I have been sick for almost 2 weeks and I am just now starting to feel like myself (except for still not being able to hear properly yet).

Here's a page I just finished the other day. Can I say that I am LOVIN' the Basic Grey Figgy Pudding line. I think it's may very favourite BG paper ever!!!!

I also have a few sneak peeks of the FUN and FLIRTY Sweet Pea Scraps January kit for you too...

Here's the January kit......

And here's a few sneak peeks...

Happy Scrappin' Everyone!

Many Birthday Wishes...

Well our family is jammed packed full of birthdays in December... my sister, my parents, my neice, my cousin and a few more close friends too!

Happy Birthday today to my Mom and my neice Emma! Happy Belated Birthday to my little sis Christie too!



Well I went to the Doctor's last Monday and had an x-ray done of my hand. I went back to see him and I got told this past Monday that I indeed broke a bone in my left hand! So I spent about 1 hour in the ER on Tuesday morning getting a removeable cast put on. It makes a big difference in the pain already! I'll try and get a picture soon!

I was discussing the cast with my Mom and I think I'll be adding a few holiday touches to my cast soon! Stay tuned!
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