I am very lucky to have not one but two very close friends in my life.
I have known Amanda since I was 5 and I have gone to school with her almost my whole life! She was one of the first of our group to get married and have children. She lives about an hour and a half away from here but we always make time to visit when I'm home to visit my parents. She's the one that always has some home related project on the go!! I admire her vive for life!!!
My very best friend is Dianne. She and I have been best friends since we were 15. I can even picture the very first day that she came to my house for the very first time... it's a very vivid memory for me. She unfortunately lives 3 hours from here but we tend to talk about every 2 weeks or so. She is one of the only people who I talk to on the phone on a regular basis (I'm not a phone person!). She knows me the best!!! I can't image not having her in my life!
I'm very blessed to have these women as part of my life. Sometimes life gets busy and we don't talk for weeks but when we do, we always seem to catch up quickly and seem like we talked yesterday. We always have a great time together! I specifically go home just to see them! I wish we lived closer together some days because it would be nice to get out of the house some days just to chat or have a coffee together.
It's funny... but I don't have a lot of pictures of the 3 of us together... we were supposed to have our pictures taken together at our wedding but I never had them taken. I know they both have pictures of the 3 of us, maybe I'll have to bribe them for copies!!!
Here's a funny picture of Amanda... a picture I stole off her facebook.... LOL!

Here's a picture of Dianne with 2 of her 3 sons.... she has a step-son that lives in New Brunswick.

Life just wouldn't be the same without them both!!!! (((hugs))) girls!!!! I miss you both!!!