
Oh What a Night!!!!

Well my son had his very first bought of flu yesterday! And to compound the problem, we were still at my parent's house. I hate being sick when you're not at home. As soon as I got home from my short breakfast with my best friend, Todd and packed the remainder of the car and off we went home.

Throughout the day we tried to get Spencer to nap, which was pretty successful and he seemed to get better as the day went on. We slowly introduced watered down juice and a few crackers but at midnight we were at square one.

While we cleaned Spencer and his bed up, Todd began to have an expected side effect of the all the holiday junk food eating... he starting having one of his food reactions. He gets super itchy, breaks out in hives and swells almost everywhere!!!

So I had a sick boy on my lap and another sick "boy" on the end of couch scratching himself everywhere! Boy.... what a site!!! We didn't make back to bed until 2am!

Santa Claus Came Early This Year!

This year Santa Claus came early to our house!

Santa dropped off the cutest little wooden table and chairs set with Thomas the Train on it!

Spencer has spent an inredible amount of time sitting in each chair, climbing on the table, exploring underneath the table and he's even crawled on top of the table and sat inside the netted toy bag that hangs beneath it!

He loves his new table and chairs!

Thank you Santa! He's love it!!!


O' Christmas Tree

We had a fabulous time two weekends ago going to our local Christmas tree farm to cut down a tree for my parent's house.

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