To have a chance to win a stamp set of your choice, you must: (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! Any comments not containing your name & basic location will be rejected.)
1. Leave a comment below with your name and last initial and your city and province/state of residence.
2. You must post a link on your blog (if you have one) to my blog candy.
To increase your odds of winning, for every comment you make on my blog beginning today and throughout the month of February, will earn you an additional ballot for your chance to win the set of stamps of your choosing.
To earn 2 ballots TODAY, come back and on a separate comment, post a link to the place where your posted about my blog candy on your blog.
Good luck!
PS.... Sorry... only open to Canadian and US participants due to shipping costs. Thanks!
Great candy Ally! Thanks for a chance to win!!
Tracey G from Oakville, Ontario
I know I won last month but will play along with everyone.
I'm Veronica R from Maple, Ontario
Here's the link to my blog post about your giveaway.
Good Luck Everyone!
Another month full of fun!! I'm Mica A from Mississippi
I just posted a link on my blog.
Have fun everyone!!
I know I can't win as live overseas
but I just wanted to say that I check in everyday as I love your blog and especially your sketches. Plus I don't have a blog and probably never will....
Great candy! Thanks for the opp!
Woo I have just found this site and really like some of their sets!
Deanna W from Waterloo, Ontario
Done and done! I hope flattery works... lol!
Oops the link to my blog...
Ally you are just so generous! Congrats on being chosen for their design team. Wooo Hooo
Heidi B for Lucan ON.
Okay, posted and linked on my blog: http://heidibrand.blogspot.com/2009/02/calling-all-scrapbookers.html
Have a great day Ally!
Congrats on your design team appointment...you deserve it:)
Cheri H. from Fraser, Michigan
I just posted a link on my blog for you blog candy and you can check it out here
Congratulations on making the DT! Thanks for the chance at some awesome blog candy :o)
Mitzi K. from Mooresville, Indiana
How generous of you, Ally!
Pam D from Brantford, Ontario
Great tunes!!! I love Metallica (I hope that dosen't age me too much). Thanks for the candy offer.
Mae W. from Puyallup, WA
Thanks again Ally. Here is my link (I hope I did this right)...http://stevemaenic.blogspot.com/2009/02/time-for-some-nummies.html
Mae W. from Puyallup, WA
cool blog candy!! I am going to link on my blog
Janet R. Niagara Falls Ont.
That's so very generous of you Ally!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
Heather H. from Cambridge, Ontario
I posted about your blog candy on my blog. Here is the link:
Thanks again Ally!!!!
Heather H. from Cambridge, Ontario
Ally you are such an awesome scrapper and an inspiration to me.
Stacie D in Auburn KS
Here is my blog link (I hope it works)
Stacie's Scrappin Attitude: Go visit Ally's Blog for CANDY
Love it.
Mardi D from Temperance, MI
I posted on my blog @
Mardi D from Temperance, MI
I don't have a blog, but I like yours. Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway.
Sandy K from Saint Peters, Missouri
Oh wow super candy! Thanks for the chance!
Sophie M from St Catharines, Ontario
What an exciting blog candy giveaway! Please sign me up!!! I live in Northern California, across the bay from San Francisco!
Hey Cool! I'm happy to play along, I like reading your blog.
Hayley G. from Port Coquitlam BC
Very cool, thanks for the opportunity!
Linda G from Ottawa, Ontario
Thanks for offering Blog Candy!
Denise C. from Newark, CA
Thanks for offering Blog Candy!
Denise C. from Newark, CA
Whoops, didn't notice the approval thingy, sorry for the double post!
Here is my link to your blog from my blog.
Cheers, Hayley.
I would love some blog candy ally!
Stacie D in Auburn KS
this all sounds great Ally, I hope i get a chance to win... but anyways i have left you something over on my blog thanking you for inspiring and encouraging me with my scrapbooking. I just love everything you do.
Angie B from Ajax , Ontario
Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. Love your blog.
Claudia F.
I've linked you to my blog.
Congrats Ally on making the design team, would love to win your blog candy. Love their stamps
Shannon L'Heureux
from Waterloo, Ontario
Free stamps...I'm am so there!
I'm Monica from kansas! Thanks for the great opportunity!
I posted it on my blog!
Hi Ally,
Mardi D from Temperance, MI
Thanks Ally for a chance at some free stamps. I would love to try some out.
Off to post on my blog.
Alison R. from Chatham, Ontario.
Hey Ally, here is the link to my blog bragging about your blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win.
wheee! Yay for blog candy, esp. from a Canadian retailer! I'll be back!
Here's my link!
Michelle H.
Cole Harbour, NS
Hi Ally, finally I figured this thing out. I never been part of a Blog Candy giveaway before. Cool stuff and I like your art work! :)
Thanks for the chance to be part of it.
Tunde Ny.D. from Aurora,On.
PS: I am sooo excited It is my due date today, well, nothing is happening yet. :)
Hi Ally!
Finally I figured it out! :) I have never been part of a Blog Candy before. Cool stuff and I like you artwork. Thanks for the chance.
Tunde Ny.D. From Aurora,On.
Ps: It is my due date today with my second baby, but nothing is happening yet...:) Keep you fingers crossed for me please.
Hi Ally!
Back with posting a link to your blog. Hope the link works.
Have an awesome weekend.
Tunde Ny.D. From Aurora,On.
Blog candy...it's always on my diet. Thanks for the great opportunity, Ally.
Debi M from Port Orchard, WA
thanks for the chance to win...I love your layouts. I'm Sharon from Richmond, Virginia and I am off to add you to my blog. I shall return!
told ya I would be back....here is the link. Thanks again.
Pick me! Thanks for the opportunity to win something yummy!
Sheri F from Coatsworth, On.
Here is the link to my blog post about the giveway!
Good luck everyone!
Thanks for the chance
michelle r from riverside,ca
Great Candy Ally!!!!!
Jenn M from Elmira ON
Great giveaway!
Jessica J
Delta, BC
And here's the link to the post on my blog.
so generous of you Ally, pick me, pick me LOL
Kimmie c. from Ridgeway, ON
here is the link to my BLOg post
Kimmie C, Ridgeway, ON
Hi Ally,
I noticed that I did not follow directions well the first time so here I try again....thanks for the chance. Sharon S from Richmond, Virginia
Ally, thanks. Here's a link to my blog-in-progress (alright so I'm a late bloomer!).
Jan C from Illinois
Just stopped by to say hi!
Mardi D from Temperance, MI
excellent candy, Ally--really, does anyone EVER have enough stamps???
trisha n. in Belton MO
okay, here's the link on my blog:
Fabulous blog candy!
Thank you :)
Heidi G from Sault Ste Marie ON
Wow, so many entrants! Was looking through your blog, and it's fabulous. I'll bookmark it and come back again.
Shelley S.
Moncton, NB
Wow! Lovely candy opportunity and awesome contest! Thanks for offering the opportunity to win!
Nicole K from Barberton, OH
Hey there! Here's where I posted the link to your awesome blog candy!
Nicole K
Barberton, OH
Super candy. I just stumbled across your blog, fabby place!! Thanks so much for the chance :)
Vanessa C, Postville, NL
I don't have a particular link really, but I have linked you up in my blog candy section so pop on over and see
Would love a chance to win!
Mardi D
Temperance MI
I don't really know how to do my blog yet. beginner at it. I would love to be entered in the contest though.
April L
Shamrock Texas
Would Love a chance to win
Toronto Ont
Added your Candy Link here
Nikki C.
Toronto Ont
Thanks for the chance to try these great stamps. Love your blog Ally...wonderful inspiration. I dont have a blog yet,
Audrey M
Bracebridge, Ont
I'd love to win this blog candy, also love your blog.
Audrey M, Bracebridge, Ont
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