In only a matter of 7 days, I will officially be a mom of school going boy... so scary that time has passed so quickly over the last 5 years.
In honour of school starting next week, I wanted to share a fun scholarly project with you over at myStamp BOX blog.

Come and check out the myStamp BOX blog today to see how I made each of these fun projects.
I'm also going to giveaway a fun package of school related goodies to one special commenter. All you have to do to WIN my RAK today is leave a comment on my mSB project and then come back here and leave a comment below telling me about one of your favourite school memories. I will a draw for a winner later this week. Good luck!

And i will be too!!! Scary biscuits how time passes so fast!!!
Great project - very cute :) xx
Left you a comment. My favorite school memory is when my 8th grade teacher got in trouble for roller skating in the hallway.
Time for kindergarten already??! Hope it goes well - but how could it not with all those cute supplies! :)
I always loved intramural sports day. Lots of memories of being outside, doing lots, and having popscicles at school!
Hi Ally- I wish you luck..I cried on the first day of school for both my kids! I'm one of your followers now too. Maybe I'll see you AT PCL this week! Take care!
Hello Ally! :) I'll be scared next year! :) My favorite school memory is the vacation time... Is this school related?! Hope so!!! Enjoyed a lot your creative items! Take care!
Hey Ally....my fav school memory is going back to school shopping...picking up a new sweater and cords!!! Those were the good old days!
OOOH loved your projects!!! One of my fave memories is finally getting to use BINDERS - I was so excited!!!
I have 3 memories of my 1st school year. My next door neigbour who started with me cried all day, my friend who sat behind me ate my eraser and we use to take cod liver pills every day at the fountain:-)) Also, because I took time to do my school work, I stayed after school most days to get caught up and my mother would come to pick me up with my brother in a stroller and my sister tagging along:) I have great memories of my 1st year and school in general:-) Don't get me wrong, there are also some not so good memories;-(
I had the lady my parents bought our house from as my kindergarten teacher so she really liked me and was always putting me on her lap. so I became a teachers pet right from the start and I got picked on for it.
When we were 5 (kindergarten story) me and my friend Marco, thought it would be funny to pull down our pants (just under our bum) and go down the METAL slide!!! What the *heck* were we thinking!! Thank god we didn't get caught!!! I am embarassed at my kid self!
My favorite memory happened every year-- back to school shopping! That was always my fave... not so much the clothes shopping (I still have a complex when I shop for clothes!), but the pencils and markers and crayons... ooh, it still sounds like fun! ;) LOL!
Ally, these are so cute. It makes the normal stuff fun!
My favorite school memory was probably one time at lunch when someone played a prank on the vice principal. It had everyone laughing and he had no idea what was going on until a goody goody told him.
Aodrable projects! I left you a comment on MSB! Graet school items!
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